Technical Information Livestock

The addition of Orego-Stim Liquid to milk for pre-weaning calves resulted in: An 21% increase in daily liveweight gain (Figure 1) An additional 20 kg of total liveweight gain throughout the study period (Figure 2) Potential for a higher throughput of calves This study demonstrated that Orego-Stim may be included in calf milk replacer on farm to support improved growth performance and overall farm profitability.
Trial Summary Orego-Stim® Supports Lamb Growth Performance & Feed Efficiency 
SUMMARY Optimal lamb growth performance and feed efficiency post-weaning can help to support producer profitability by reducing number of days to market, as well as reducing feed costs to reach target weights. Phytogenic feed additives, such as natural oregano essential...
Commercial Study Summary Orego-Stim® Supports Improved Growth Performance of Beef Cattle


  • Profitable beef production relies on achieving good growth rates and efficient feed conversion.
  • This study was undertaken to evaluate the effect of Orego-Stim Powder (OSP) on the growth performance of Aberdeen Angus cross beef cattle fed a forage-based ration.

  • The addition of OSP to feed improved growth rates, resulting in a return on investment of 2.5:1.

Trial Summary - Orego-Stim Improves Ewe Performance During Late Pregnancy and Early Lactation
Orego-Stim is known to benefit maternal energy balance and lactation performance and so was included in ewe concentrate rations to understand effects in ovines.
Trial Summary - Enhanced Growth of Calves Fed Orego-Stim®

Orego-Stim Liquid, when provided at a dose of 2 ml/calf/day, improved growth performance of dairy calves by 2 kg at day 56 (weaning) and 2.9 kg by 70 days of age

This could result in an additional 21 - 31 kg of milk in the first lactation, giving a ROI of 4.5 : 1.