I have been farming my whole life. I have been using Orego-Stim for the last two years. Before using Orego-Stim I had some Salmonella and Rotavirus challenges. I started the calves on 10 ml per day (5ml per feed) and found that it increased their appetite and sped up their recovery.
I put Amber with my old girl in a small paddock and put Orego-Stim Liquid in her water. Often when I put something in their water they won’t drink it and I end up having to drench them with it. This was not the case with the Orego-Stim Liquid, they all drank it with no problem. To our surprise not only did Amber pick up, her hair started to grow back, Amber is now enjoying retirement and is in good health with a full coat of hair.
With the adults we realised when they had feed without Orego-Stim Powder that if they overate, they would scour, this didn’t happen when they had the Orego-Stim. The goats have generally improved since using this product, and we have noticed a reduction in worm problems despite the incredibly wet summer we have had.
It was incredible the turnaround, within 2 days the health of our entire herd improved. At our worst point we were tube feeding most of the herd as they were too weak to drink, to now they were feeding themselves and their scouring stopped.
I've used this product for a few months now I have seen so much improvement in the young birds without the expensive treatment lines I use all three products that are available with a small amount used each day it is very economical and being Natural I believe it is a lot better for the birds
Don't have any problems with birds drinking it haven't noticed any great difference in birds themselves but might be too soon for that.
I breed show budgies and you could see the improvement in the birds.But supply needs to be more reliable waited 3 months to get last order .