Orego-Stim® Equine - Lorna Garnett - New Zealand
Lorna tells us her experience with using Orego-Stim Equine for her mare Millie:
"Fantastic stuff! I started using this natural product a month ago after my new mare Millie came back with a FEC of 2500!!! I had treated her but wanted to support her with Orego-Stim Equine Liquid so I started using it with all three of my horses. I am using 10ml per day in their feed, they were a bit iffy at first but from day two there were no issues. In hindsight I should have started with half the dose and then increased once they were used to the taste.
Two weeks after treatment and starting Orego-Stim Equine Millie has a zero worm count. Other noticeable differences are how calm they are, their droppings have changed in consistency and are much firmer. A health gut is a happy horse in my mind."
Lorna N, Otago NZ

Key Benefits
Equine Appetite:
- Orego-Stim has a characteristic herby aroma which can improve the palatability of feeds.
- Helps maintains a healthy appetite encouraging forage intakes.
- Beneficial for fussy or older horses.
Equine Digestive Health:
- OEO is shown to support a well-balanced and diverse microbiota which helps maintain cell turnover in the gut.
- Maintains gut motility and firmer dropping consistency.
- Supports nutrient absorption, helping to obtain the most from feed and forages.
Equine Natural Calmer and Stress Management:
- OEO contains potent antioxidants known to help neutralize free radicals.
- Ideal for nervous temperaments; aids concentration and focus in horses when used continuously as part of a feeding regime.
- Aids horses under saddle or during activities such as, competition and travelling.
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